Buy Reddit Accounts

Boost your Reddit game instantly with our strong Reddit accounts. Select from a large stock of pre-karma’d and aged Reddit accounts, with organic activity.

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Why Choose Us?

Fast Delivery

All accounts are delivered within 12 hours. Usually, just a few hours.

Extra Metrics

Our accounts always come with even more powerful metrics than advertised.


Pick your preferred Reddit metrics from our large account stock, be it age, karma, or activity.

Instant Delivery

Get instant access to your purchased Reddit Accounts instead of waiting for hours in mailboxes. You can get started with your market strategies without wasting much time.

Trusted Name

Reddit Search is a trusted name with a proven track record of helping clients build organic reach on the platform. You can sit back with peace of mind that your service is handled by professionals with years of experience in the field.

Real & Aged Accounts

All our accounts are real and aged. They are hand-grown by our expert team following all Reddit guidelines. That means you need not worry about restrictions or bans.

High Karma

Tired of waiting in queues to join reputed subreddits? Our Reddit accounts come up with high karma. Make a royal entry to your favourite subreddits and build credibility easily.

How To Buy Reddit Accounts

Choose Account Type

Pick an account from our stock. You can customize your requirements, such as Karma or age.

Complete The Purchase

Provide the email address where you want your account details to be delivered, and proceed to the secure payment.

Receive Your Account

Within 12 hours, you will get login credentials to your new Reddit account!


Well, it depends. If you buy Reddit accounts from a trustworthy seller like us, the entire process would be secure. All our accounts are real and hand-grown. We follow Reddit's guidelines to give maximum protection. Apart from all these, you must also refrain from spamming or any policy violation to stay safe.

To get the maximum value out of your purchased Reddit accounts, you should use it in the best manner. Here are some tips for that:

  • Be respectful and follow the rules of the subreddits you post in. Remember, Reddit is well-known for its strict stance against spamming.
  • Try to be authentic. Express your opinions in an engaging manner to get maximum upvotes.
  • Maintain your account’s activity and karma. Keep in mind that consistency is the key.
  • Remember, most users on Reddit won't entertain marketing. So, don't go for aggressive marketing strategies as on other social media platforms.

Building an organic reach on Reddit is tougher than any other social media platform. That's because the platform is skeptical of newcomers and imposes many restrictions on them. It takes much time and effort to untangle such restrictions. Why crawl if you can fly? Buy Reddit accounts from us and boost your reach on the platform.

No. Technically, you can change the Reddit username within 30 days of account creation (only if you have signed in with Google or Apple). But most of our accounts are older than that. That means you will be stuck with the username associated with it. 

Why Should You Buy Reddit Accounts?

The main reason is that new accounts are in a ‘probationary period’ on Reddit. You need to interact and build trust to be ‘permanent’. However, it’s not an easy job. That’s why buying ready-made Reddit accounts is a good option. Here are some more reasons for that:

1. Improved Visibility

As with any other social media platform, the Reddit algorithm prefers old accounts with more experience in the platform. It pushes the posts of old accounts to more user feeds beyond the followers. This way, you can expand your reach and build an organic audience base more quickly. 

2. Access to more subreddits

Reddit is better known for the hot sparkling debates in many top subreddits. Unfortunately, most of them put restrictions on the ability of newcomers to post and comment to avoid spamming. 

With an old Reddit account from us, you can make a royal entry to all subreddits without wasting time in restriction queues. So, why wait? Buy Reddit accounts from us right now!

3. Build Trust

Trust-building in Reddit is more important than in any other social media platform. The entire platform works through a Karma-based credibility system. You need to have a minimum credibility for almost all activities, ranging from posting to commenting.

Well, you can’t build credibility right away. It takes a lot of time and effort. That’s why we offer you aged accounts to establish trust among the target audience.

4. Multiple profiles

Think of it this way. You have to use Reddit for two purposes: personal and professional. Accessing your personal interests like movies, music, politics, etc., through official accounts could be the last thing you want. In that case, using multiple accounts is the best way to balance professional and personal use.

Consider the professional scenario alone, too. No one wants to put all the eggs in one basket. What happens if your professional Reddit account used for reaching out to clients has vanished all of a sudden? It’s always safe to buy and maintain additional accounts, too.

5. Knock at DM

Imagine another situation. While scrolling out on Reddit, you have found your ideal mentor or a prospective client. What would you do? You will reach out to them in the inbox, right? Well, in Reddit it’s not as simple as you might think. 

New Reddit accounts have limitations in sending direct messages. Even if you manage to drop a message, users are always skeptical of new accounts with low Karma. The only way to build trust quickly is to buy a Reddit account with a high Karma.

6. Save Time and Effort

Reddit actually views newcomers with skepticism. That’s why it has imposed a Karma system to restrict their ability to post and comment. Users must have to prove credibility slowly to avoid such restrictions on the platform. Sounds painful, right?

Well, you can skip this line and express your thoughts freely without waiting. All our Reddit accounts are old and genuine. That means, by default, you have established trust in the platform. You need not waste time on that. Therefore, buying Reddit accounts from us is a good option for anyone who wants to save time and effort.

How to Buy Reddit Accounts?

Buying Reddit Accounts is not rocket science. You need not worry much about any technical aspects. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the website. Click on the ‘buy Reddit Accounts’ option.
  2. Select the accounts you want to buy from the list of options available.
  3. Select your preferred payment method. You can buy using PayPal, credit cards, or even crypto.
  4. Once the payment process is complete, you will receive the complete account credentials in no time.
  5. Get in touch with our customer service team in case of any issues.

Factors to Consider While Buying Reddit Accounts

Buying Reddit accounts is actually an investment. So, just like any other investment, you must be reasonably careful during the process. Check out some factors to keep a close eye on while purchasing Reddit accounts from any dealer:

1. Age of the Account

Just like senior citizens have many privileges, so do old accounts on Reddit. For instance, some subreddits allow only users with a specific age. So, go for aged accounts.

Above age, consider the activity of the account too. An account with active involvement in discussions might be your preference.

2. Karma points

Mr. Karma is the top authority in Reddit that determines whether you can speak or view the discussions silently like a corpse. An aged account with zero Karma is like a Ferrari with flat keys. You have something powerful, but you just can’t use it.

Ideally, you must look for old accounts with Karma. Otherwise, you still have to waste time on building reach for it. However, getting such accounts is not that easy.

3. Transparency

Like any other online transaction, trust is a critical aspect of purchasing Reddit accounts. You must have clear-cut knowledge about the account age, number of posts, and Karma of the account before purchasing. And, if possible, ensure that the account has not gone through any restrictions before.

4. Relevance

For what purpose do you wish to use Reddit? If you are using Reddit for marketing your ecommerce brand, it makes no sense to pick a movieholic account.

Try to buy Reddit accounts in the same niche as you are. For that, go through the subreddits of which the accounts are a part. It gives a basic idea of the niche of the account.

5. Terms and Conditions

Before making the payment, read carefully the terms and conditions of the sale. Always, make sure that the seller is ready to respond to your queries and concerns after the sale. Post-sales services are a must when buying Reddit-related services.

6. Seller

There are many websites to buy Reddit accounts. However, not all are safe. Many of them sell bots, spam, etc. And the result? Restrictions and even bans. Do you want to end up like that after spending all the money? If not, find a genuine seller.

As far as that’s concerned, you are quite lucky to find us. We have completed thousands of successful orders. And still, our buyers keep coming back for just one reason- top-quality service.

Buying Reddit accounts is a good option for anyone who wants to build a robust reach on the platform quickly. And Reddit Search will help you at each step of the journey to your aim. Buy Reddit accounts from us!